About the Centre

The effects of alcohol and drug addiction are often devastating to individuals, families and communities.

The North Wind Wellness Centre offers a 45-day, culturally based, residential treatment program for ages 19 and up. It also welcomes opportunities to serve youth at risk, as well as, back-to-the-land programming through our networking with Indigenous local communities and School Districts in Dawson Creek and Fort St. John.

The Centre is located just north of Dawson Creek in the beautiful Peace River country. The facility includes a main “common” building, session and craft room, sweat lodge, exercise equipment, computers, counsellors’ office, and administration building. It is located in a 150 acres of wilderness that participants may walk and collect medicines, weather permitting.

Sweat lodge, Blanket, Burning-bundle, and Pipe amongst other ceremonies, introduce and reinforce the concept of sacredness by means of traditional culture; and each day begins and ends with smudge and prayer circle.

Office hours are 09:00 to 16:30 hours local time, Monday to Friday. We are a Not-for-Profit Organization and Registered Charity, funded primarily by the First Nations Health Authority. Our mandate is to serve primarily First Nations, Metis, and Inuit persons. We also serve anyone legally entitled to live in Canada and consider applications from the USA and other countries on a per diem basis.