NWWC’s Elder

Graduation Ceremony

NWWC’s Elder
Assisting to achieve balance in life
Need Help? Call Now: 1-888-698-4333
“To meet human needs with compassion by providing tools that assist people in recovery from addictions by gaining self-reliance, discovering their unique gifts, developing their unique abilities, and finding support for recovery within their family and community.”
NWWC Mission Statement
NWWC’s Elder
Graduation Ceremony
NWWC’s Elder
→ 24/7 Telephone Counselling Services.
→ Individual & Group Counselling
→ Day Treatment Programming
North Wind Wellness Centre Society
PO Box 2480 Station A
Dawson Creek, BC
V1G 4T9
Funded by: First Nations Health Authority
Toll Free: 1-888-698-4333
Telephone: 250-843-6977
Fax: 250-843-6978
E-mail: admin@northwindwc.ca